Monday, June 29, 2009

Getting out of the House

We finally managed to get everyone out of the house for a non-doctor related outing. The doctor related outings aren't easy either but going out in public seems to be scarier. We decided we'd go to some fair in downtown Anchorage on the solstice in our 90 minute window between feeding the last baby and feeding the first. We piled everyone in the minivan, all seven of us, in a short 45 minutes now that we have had some practice. We even had to foresight to take the triplets in slings. Figured we wouldn't stand out as much with slings rather than a triplet stoller or multiple strollers. Wrong. They were on us like flies. They saw us from afar and would ask "Are those twins? Wait, are there three?" Then as those folks gawked a new set would wander and look and stare and sit in amazement and ask "Are all of those yours?". We didn't get to see too much of the fair with folks staring and asking to see the nearly hidden babies. We felt like we held gold or something rare and unseen. And I suppose we do hold something rare and unique - except that since I am now living with the rare gift it doesn't seem so odd. It is a nice feeling and perhaps a bit of a glimpse of what our lives will be like for several more years. It will be hard to blend in when you have triplets.

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