Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Anything new?

"Abu" and GrandPa Price with Ruby, Miles and Sage

Sage, Miles and Ruby in their Sunday best

Miles enjoying the attention

"What happened?"
"Why haven't you written in your blog in over a month?"
I don't really have a good answer. Exhaustion maybe. No coherent new thing to say other than "Triplets will kick your butt." Maybe it's because we haven't left the house much and it feels our lives are just a repetition of "Feed, change, coddle, repeat...".
Things are happening but when one is deep in the rut of routine they don't seem as noteworthy. Kind of like looking at yourself in the mirror every day and not noticing any changes.

Snap, Crackle and Pop are growing. We have gotten out of the house here and there. People have been great to us coming to visit and giving of themselves and their time. While I often call this my Lost Summer of '09 it has been good to us. We have much to be thankful for and caring for little ones is a humbling way to learn what is important in the world.

Ninety minutes have elapsed and the "feed, change, coddle, repeat" cycle must be done again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm Kristi Neptun/Craig's sister...she sent me your blog link! Your kids are adorable...but I can only imagine the pure exhaustion! ;)

    Did you say if it was determined that Sage and Ruby are ID twins? That second picture....they have to be, right? :) Sorry, I know you've probably heard that question a MILLION times already!

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I've been keeping an eye on your beautiful babies and life with 4 kids under 2! You have all my respect! Congrats and best wishes!
