How can you have a blog and only post something every month?
I know, I know, I've been slacking on the blogging job. I've got a few dozen excuses if you want them or at least 4 two-legged excuses but I'll just shut up and post.
What's happened since the last post? The biggest incident was with Miles and his eye. As if someone saw my last blog about Miles' eye and my stories and thought I needed more to worry about. A day after the blog entry we took Miles and the whole gaggle to the doctor for a weight check. A weight check is when you get them all officially weighed on the doctors expensive scales so the doctors can be assured you aren't starving them at home. While there we asked if the pediatrician could look at his eye. His eyelid was slowly closing on him due to the hemangioma, the red things. He was able to open his eye about 40%. The pediatrician told us that hemangiomas go away after a year and all would be fine but asked us to keep an eye on it as she didn't want his eye to close too much. We wanted to know what "too much" was. She looked at it, didn't seem overly worried but did say she would confer with a pediatric opthamologist. She told us she'd call us in a week.
Within the hour she called us back. She said she had talked to the opthamologist and that he had a opening that same afternoon, but not to worry. We went nervously. After a two hour nervous wait we finally saw the doctor. After a two minute inspection he gave us the verdict. "I can fit him in my surgery schedule next week." That began our first worried parents installment in the medical world. There Carolyn and I were not knowing what to do, who else to go to for advice, or what other real options we had. Looking back we did our parent jobs well but it seemed a bit overwhelming having only a few days to make a informed decision on Miles' vision for the rest of his life. We called other opthamologists and learned more about hemangiomas and eyeball anatomy than we ever wanted to know. We googled every hemangioma website, even dissected sheep eyeballs in hopes of learning what was about to happen. In the end we went with the surgery option. Our other options were go to Indianapolis or Seattle for a second opinion (our opthamologist was said to be the best in the state), or do nothing.
The surgery seemed to go well. I had this idea that eye doctors were the cream of the crop in the surgical world. I thought Miles would come back better looking than he went in, his scars would be near invisible and no one would be the wiser. When he came out he looked like he'd been on the losing end of a extended boxing match. His face was swollen and the eye looked like hamburger. They sent us home with a little bottle of ointment and an appointment to see the doctor the next day. The next day his eye is still swollen, black and blue and clear pus is occasionally oozing out. The doctor looks at him and rather than looking at his handiwork grimly says "Wow, his eye looks great!" So much for my idea of eye doctors...
Miles' eye before
Miles laid out in his Radio Flyer gurney
Getting pulled into the operating room
The boxer after the match
The scab
The scab falling off
Recovering well
Feel better little Miles